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About Me

Carrie Susa Woodward, M.S., B.C.B.A.

Board Certified Behavior Analyst Carrie Susa Woodward is the author and creator behind Jumpstart the Journey, a resource designed to bridge the gap from an autism diagnosis to the start of therapy.

Her journey into the world of autism began in 2002 at Pepperdine University, where the blend of scientific strategies and personal interactions with families sparked a lifelong dedication to the autism field.

With over two decades of experience, she has not only worked hands-on with hundreds of families navigating autism, but has also contributed valuable research to the renown journal The Analysis of Verbal Behavior (TAVB).

A personal transition in 2022 led Carrie toward a focus on her own family, while a close friend's struggle with the complexities of autism diagnosis and treatment reminded her of the urgent need for early intervention.

This was the impetus behind "Jumpstart the Journey", a course that combines her deep understanding of the field with her knack for empathetic communication.

The course gives parents practical, science-backed strategies that can be applied during the critical waiting period for professional help, reassuring them of their ability to positively influence their child's development.

Carrie's works echo the sentiment that, with proper guidance, every family's autism journey can lead to progress and hope.

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